We need more of your resistance x3
in this messy new year!
Humanity lost, insanity won:
The crazies & crooks have got us on the run.
Team Blue, what could you be brewing? x3
Better be something new!
Indictments we brought, and convictions too.
But none of that mattered—Donny’s grift got him through.
We need more of your resistance x3
it’s a messy new year!
2. MOST BLUNDERFUL… (Most Wonderful Time)
’Twas the most blunderful election year! (You Ding-Dong…!)
With his crimes still unpunishedm& and barely admonished,
His second term’s near!
‘’Twas the most blunderful e….lection year!
It’s the crap-crappiest outcome of all! (You Ding-Dong…!)
‘Cause egg and gas prices trumped all of Don’s vices,
will Democracy fall?
From the crap-crappiest outcome of all!
As internment camps open, we’ll all be here hopin’
that Donald won’t lock us away
From mass deportations to denat’uralizations,
the whitening starts his first day!
‘’Twas the most blunderful e….lection year!
(You Ding-Dong…!)
Once his voters have learned just how much they’ll get burned,
will they still hold him dear?
‘’Twas the most blunderful e-… x3 -lection year!
3. MAKE HIM GO (Let It Snow)
O, the fellow is mean and spiteful,
and his government was frightful.
We should have said no no no!
Watch him blow! X3.
Yeah, the idiot’s undeserving,
with a cabinet so unnerving—
It’s a billionaire bigot show.
Watch him blow! X3.
Yeah, the Donald’s a creepy shame—
but the MAGAs thinks he’s A-OK
With the help of their lying games
Don stole the whole USA!
He’s a moron and he’s a traitor, a liar and a hater—
He’s a sorry-ass CEO. Watch him blow! X3.
O, come all ye crooked, rotten and perverted!
O, come ye, o, come ye to Washington.
Pillage and plunder, with your cheeto douchebag.
O, come, let us corrupt it. x3 Demo-ocracy.
Praises to Elon, sneaky evil genius—
Brought us a president from Twitter with love!
Glory to Donald, useful ignoramous.
O, come, let us destroy it. x3 Ame-erica!
5. FUCK THE HALLS (Deck the Halls)
Fuck the Donald!, Fuck his minions! Fa-la-la-la…!
Fuck the Court, and their opinions! Fa-la-la-la…!
Fuck you, Elon Musk and Twitter— Fa-la-la-la…!
Fuck the shitshow! Yes, we’re bitter!
Fa-la-la-la-la. La la la la!
Fuck to reaching cross the aisle! Fa-la-la-la…!
Fuck your creepy christian smiles! Fa-la-la-la…!
Fuck to making nice with losers! Fa-la-la-la…!
Fuck to Facebook and Fox Newsers!
Fa-la-la-la-la. La la la la!
Fuck Republican buffoons! Fa-la-la-la…!
Fuck you, red cap MAGA goons! Fa-la-la-la…!
Fuck you if you don’t vote blue! Fa-la-la-la…!
Fuck all the non- voters, too!
Fa-la-la-la-la. La la la la!
Fuck those blaming Walz and Harris! Fa-la-la-la…!
It’s your fault we are embarrassed. ! Fa-la-la-la…!
Fuck the Russians! Dasvidanya! Fa-la-la-la…!
Who gives a fuck? Fuck you, Melania!
Fa-la-la-la-la. La la la la!
They’re beginning to look a lot less Christian,
with their walls & bans.
No more helping thy neighbor out,
that’s not what they’re all about—
There’s hell to pay if you are gay or trans!
They’re beginning to look a lot less Christian,
marching for white pride.
That’s the modern-day GOP:
The party of Robert E. Lee!
Lincoln would…have…died.
I guess that turning your cheek is pathetic & weak.
Lying all day is OK!
Helping the needy is stupid—be greedy!
Take their health care away!
You heard the tape—they’re fine with rape!
Now, bow your heads and pray!
They’re beginning to look a lot less Christian:
Screw the Golden Rule
That do-unto-others bit was always a load of shit—
They shovel shit, the hypocrites and tools!
They’re beginning to look a lot less Christian.
What would Jesus do?
Would he join the NRA? And lock little kids away?
Do they speak for... speak for...speak for you?
He’ll make a big mess and triple the debt.
That’s what you get with Vladimir’s pet!
Grabby Paws is coming to town.
He’s golfing all year at Mar-a-lago—
We pay the tab, or didn’t you know?
Grabby Paws is coming to town.
He’ll grab you when you’re sleeping,
he’ll grab when you’re awake.
He’ll grab you with his tiny hands—
he’s a foul disgusting snake!
He’s casing the swamp and draining it twice.
Having a romp while we pay the price.
Grabby Paws is coming to town.
Billionaire tech bros bought their way in.
With Crypto and Doge so Donny could win.
Grabby Paws is coming to town.
He’ll grab you by the pussy, then say the grab was fake.
Your right to choose is almost gone
Don’t let that condom break!
He’ll grab Vladimir a piece of Ukraine!
Then say it’s a smear and circle the drain!
Grabby Paws is coming... x3 to town!
Have yourself a merry little Christmas.
let your heart be light.
Next year we need all of us to stand and fight.
Have yourself a merry little Christmas.
Make the yuletide gay—,
Make it trans! We aren’t gonna go away!
Very soon we are gonna see… Project 2025.
With their program to guarantee
the patriarchy thrives.
In two years we’ll have midterm elections,
if the laws allow.
Turn the House and Senate back to blue somehow.
So have yourself a merry little Christmas now…
Donny the con man is a nasty, hateful soul.
Just an angry man with a spray-on tan,
telling lies that took their toll.
Donny the con man did a job Election Day.
Telling old white men they’d be great again
if they’d let him have his way.
They’ll never see how tragically
he played them all for fools.
He worked with spies to feed them lies,
so they’d all be MAGA tools!
O! Donny the con man
says there is no climate change.
It’s a lib’eral plot—isn’t getting hot!
He is totally deranged.
Chumpity chump chump, Donny the Trump!
This ain’t a Morning Joe.
Chumpity chump chump, Donny the Trump!
Off to hell we go!
Donny the con man never built his great big wall.
When corona came, he would take no blame,
said that bleach would cure us all.
Gay, black, or Muslim,
say goodbye to civil rights!
With the KKK and the NRA,
he has got us in his sights.
He guards his prize with petty lies,
like any cornered thief—
He pulled a fix, January Six the terrorist in chief!
O! Donny the con man,
in the end you’ll have to pay:
We will wave goodbye, and we’ll say nice try,
and we’ll Send. You. On. Your. Way!
On the 12th day of this mess,
the Donny gave to me…
(12) Proud boys saluting,
(11) Coal and oil polluting,
(10) Inflation rising,
(9) Lots of ladies dying,
(8) Tulsi a-spying,
(7) RFK a-kook-ing,
(6) Matt Gaetz a-raping,
(5) ICE…pri…son…camps!
(4) So long, Palestine
(3) Ukraine is fucked,
(2) Putin is on top,
(1) And an end to demo-o-cracy!
Jingle bells! Something smells on 5th Avenue!
40 bomb threats in swing states,
America is screw-ewed!
Jingle bells! Off the rails! Democracy is through:
Oh, what fun it is to ride to a racist rendezvous!
Stacking the Supremes!
Ripping up your Medicare.
The weather’s so extreme,
we do not have a prayer!
Why the discontent? Don’t be such a Scrooge—
No taxes for the 1 Percent—
that’s really, really yuge!
Oh! Jingle bells! Fresh new hells! Ho Ho Ho?
Boo hoo!
Latin, Muslim, black, or Jew,
they are coming just for you-ou!
Jingle bells! Children’s jails! Is this really true?
Have we traveled back in time, to a nazi deja vu?
Dashing off some tweets, trying to make his case.
Call the boys in sheets—defend the “master race”
He’s our Cheeto king, making things alt-right—
Oh, what fun it is to sing a fascist song tonight!
Oh! Jingle bells! Something smells
on 5th Avenue!
40 bomb threats in swing states,
America is screw-ewed!
Jingle bells! Off the rails! Democracy is through:
Oh, what fun it is to ride
to a ra…cist…ren…dez…vous!
Lie to the world! You Russian mole!
and lead us in defeat!
To satisfy your vanity, you holler your insanity!
It’s government by tweet,
it’s government by tweet,
It’s government, government, by lying tweet.
He rules the world, with vice & greed.
The 1 percent has won!
And nothing else will trickle down
but madness from the Cheeto clown.
The blunder’s just begun,
the blunder’s just begun,
The blunder, the blunder has just begun!
Lie to the world! But we’re not dumb.
Let truth and freedom ring!
Unqualified to lead the way,
the tech bro puppet won the day.
This idiot thinks he’s king!
This idiot thinks he’s king!
We’ll never, we’ll never accept this king.
Don’t fret, ye weary activists,
we know you’re feeling down!
Hard to believe the swing states
all support the ocher clown.
Together we’ll resist his plans -
and we don’t fuck around.
O-oh tidings of courage and joy. Courage and joy.
O-oh tidings of courage and joy.
Don’t fret, ye weary activists,
let nothing you distract.
The MAGA prick, his cabinet picks,
or Elon’s sorry act.
We’ll stop his hacks right in their tracks
and take our country back.
O-oh tidings of courage and joy. Courage and joy.
O-oh tidings of courage and joy.
Don’t fret, ye weary activists,
let nothing you affright.
The change we need to bring about
won’t happen overnight...
To save the world from greed & hate,
we must stay in the fight!
O-oh tidings of courage and joy. Courage and joy.
O-oh tidings of courage and joy.